Reopening of regular Schooling for Grade 1 to Grade 6
The Regular Academic year (RAY) (for Grade 1 to Grade 6) will be starting on November 1st, 2021, as per the direction of the Kerala State Government. During this period, online classes will not be cancelled, and online classes will be conducted as per the schedule.
Regular classes start on November 1st, 2021.
Regular classes will be on the following days: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of every week.
Timing for Regular classes is from 9 am to 12:45 pm.
If there are any changes in the regular class schedule (day/time), it will be duly informed to parents beforehand.
Van facility will be provided but the van charges will be based on the number of students travelling through the same route. Van charges may vary every month (increase/decrease) based on the number of pupils who are availing of the facility and if any, it will be informed to parents beforehand.
All students must wear a facemask (cloth or surgical) even while boarding the van and while attending school.
Every student who is travelling in the van will be temperature checked at the boarding point.
All students who enter the school campus will be temperature checked, checked for facemask and their attendance will be logged as soon as they enter the school facility.
Students should follow covid protocols at the school campus.
Students can come in regular dresses. They don’t need to wear uniforms for this academic year.
Hygiene is important. Please make sure that your kid is well-groomed (haircut, trimmed nails, bath etc.) and wearing pressed clothes.
Students should bring their snacks/lunch (vegetarian only). No junk foods are allowed.
Segregation of students to online or regular schooling and availing van facility was finalized as per the online survey conducted at TGS (using survey form). As per the result of the survey, we have grouped students into Regular schooling students and Online Schooling students.
Only students who have opted for Regular schooling will be able to attend regular school and the rest of the students can attend online schooling.
If you want your kid to change schooling method, you must inform the school prior. Change to online schooling can be done immediately but changing to Regular schooling will take 10 days’ notice due to covid restrictions.
If you want to change to regular schooling, it should be informed on or before the 20th of every month so that they can join regular classes in the following month.
For example, Change to regular schooling was informed by parents on November 20. The students can join regular schooling on December 1st.
Change to regular schooling was informed by parents on November 25th. The students can join regular schooling from January 1st.
Parents should inform the school if the student or anyone in their family is suffering from fever, cold or body pain or any symptoms related to covid. And those students can avail the online class facility during the quarantine period.
If students who are attending regular schooling are taking a break due to quarantine, then they can join the regular school after showing a negative covid certificate.
All students (regular and online classrooms) will have to watch online classroom videos for classes.
Regular classes will be conducted based on online classroom videos uploaded till that day.
Online Morning attendance will be on Tuesday and Thursday and Interactive Sessions will be conducted as per the schedule.
Interactive session (IS) for:
Grade 1 and Grade 2 will be on Tuesday and Thursday, 9:30 am to 10:30 am.
Grade 3 and Grade 5 will be on Tuesday, Thursday (11:30 am to 12:30 pm) and on Wednesday (2 pm to 3 pm).
Grade 4 and Grade 6 will be conducted on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, 2 pm to 3 pm.
There will not be a change in Online activities that is been followed till now (except for morning attendance).
Class Notes, Answer Keys and Worksheets will be delivered online.
Upload the answers of Activities/Homework/worksheets under the assignments in Microsoft Teams. Please do not send them to the TGS WhatsApp number.
Students must submit the answers on or before the deadline.
Online Class schedule and Interactive session schedule will be uploaded on the website. You can find it at
The last twenty months have been hard on both students and parents. When the pandemic struck, we were fortunate that Garden Fraternity stood together, and we tackled it with Online classrooms and parents becoming part-mentor for their kids. Now as the pandemic is easing up and getting under control, we would like to extend the support (with precautions) to parents who want their kids to attend regular schooling.
For parents who are continuing online classroom: Give them good space for learning, make sure that they do not watch the class for a long period of time. Let them take breaks in between, stretch their arms and legs. Spine health is important, seating posture should be taken care of.
It is our responsibility to understand and take care of them. Let them have a brisk walk every morning for 30 minutes. Emotional health is important! Let them raise pets or grow plants to help them relax their mind.
All the best! Thank you!
Antony Joseph