We aim:
The children’s understanding of how to be a life-long learner.
Making the kids ready to ask ‘n’ number of questions.
The child’s self-confidence, natural curiosity, desire to learn, ability to reason and make informed choices.
The children’s awareness of their rights and responsibilities.
The child’s self-reliance and self-discipline.
The ability to co-operate and form relationships through tolerance and respect for others.
Our Ethos:
A great education needs to be balanced. That is why we celebrate academic achievement alongside social, physical and emotional well-being. With us, learning happens everywhere – through opportunities and activities beyond the classroom that drive thinking and enhance our core academics.
We value:
The contribution that every child brings to the life of our school.
The resources, which the community provides, and believes that the school should be a resource for the community.
Social And Emotional Learning
Entrepreneurial Education

Our Approach
Social and Emotional Learning
To thrive in the 21st century, students need more than traditional academic learning. They must be adept at collaboration, communication and problem-solving, which are some of the skills developed through social and emotional learning (SEL). Coupled with mastery of traditional skills, social and emotional proficiency will equip students to succeed in the swiftly evolving digital economy.
16 skills for the 21st century
We believe that Foundational Literacies, Competencies and Character Qualities are the areas which makes an individual smart and ready for life.
Garden school gives emphasis to these three areas to make our kids smart and prepare them for future along with the 16 core areas of life skill.
SEL offers a host of benefits. Consider a classroom in which group work focuses not only on mastering academic material but also on how well students collaborate and communicate with one another. These skills are imperative for today’s youngest generations, who require a wide ranging
set of social and emotional abilities to prepare them for the demands of a rapidly changing workplace, position them to achieve better academic outcomes and equip them to contribute to society.
Entrepreneurial Education
Entrepreneurial education teaches the important skills of innovative and creative thinking, helping people develop a flexible “growth mindset” that can adapt to new problems. It is not about teaching business skills such as accounting and pitching, but what it means to be entrepreneurial – what mindset does an entrepreneur have, how do they stay motivated, how do they solve problems, and get people to see and follow their vision?how does they stay motivated, how does they solve problems, and get people to see and follow their vision?
Primary education uses termly whole school topics and interweave the CBSE national curriculum framework requirements through these exciting topics to deliver an education that parents are overwhelmingly satisfied with. We offer small class sizes of 25 children per class so children benefit from a high teacher to pupil ratio.
We take every opportunity to expose our students to high quality learning experiences across all subject areas. We aim to unlock their passions and skills and develop a love of learning that allows them to grow in confidence and be successful in whatever they choose to do.

TGS is a co-educational school for students aged 3 to 14. We always encourage parents to visit us to observe the school in action and talk to the Headteacher/admission officer. Our published admissions number is 35.
You can download the application form from here and drop us the filled application form at our admission office, open from Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (IST) and Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (IST), or email it to us. Alternatively, please call or email us, and we will respond as soon as possible.
Once places have been offered and accepted, parents and children are invited into school in the summer term for welcome meetings and a series of visits.
School Prospectus
A copy of the School Prospectus is available to download here or can be requested from the School Office.
Busing Services

The School Library is a busy place where a love of reading is enthusiastically encouraged. Our full spectrum of resources includes literature for pleasure reading, informational materials to find answers for curious minds, and items to support class research and the curriculum.
Library books are given twice a week for parents to read out to the preschool kids. Grade I onwards kids get to choose and take home books to read by themselves.
Each user student will be provided with library cards for issue of books.
Each student would be issued 2 books at a time for a period of one week.
Reissue of the books to a student may be allowed maximum twice.
Failure to return books on due date would compulsorily lead to penalty of Rs 5.
Students are required to handle books and reading material very carefully. Marking library books with pencil or ink; tearing the pages or spoiling the same in any other ways will be viewed very seriously. In such cases the last reader will be held responsible unless he shows the librarian at the time of issue that the book had been previously marked or damaged.
In case the user loses a book he/she would have to either replace the book or make a payment for the lost book.
A no-due certificate for each student to be obtained from the librarian while withdrawing any student from the school.
Because reading has proven to be a major cause of success in school, we encourage parents to check out books to share with their children to get them started on their life-long journey of learning.
Academic Calendar
Please click the below link to download the academic calendar for the period 2023-2024.
Busing Services
From your door to our door
Service of AC School van is available within the town and a radius of 20 Km around Kanjirappally with fees according to distance from the school.