Affiliated to CBSE (#931482)

Rethink how people learn!
Aim, Ethos and Values
A great education needs to be balanced. That is why we celebrate academic achievement alongside social, physical and emotional well-being.
Our Approach
Primary education uses termly whole school topics & interweave CBSE national curriculum framework requirements through these exciting topics.
Curriculum + Outside the classroom
The school follows CBSE syllabus. Students are taught 16 life skills such as Literacy, Numeracy, Scientific, ICT, Financial, Cultural and Civic Literacy.
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Education of the future.
By one popular estimate, 65% of children entering primary school today will ultimately end up working in completely new job types that don’t yet exist.

The future
The Future of Workplace
Are our kids future ready?
We live in the times of autonomous cars, reusable rockets and artificial intelligence, yet we are still teaching in an education system that was set up for factory workers some 200 years ago. The World Economic Forum itself has identified social abilities such as coordinating with others and persuasion, as well as complex problem-solving skills, as essential in the knowledge-based workplace of the near future.
It is our actions today that will determine whether the distruptive change mainly results in massive displacement of workers or the emergence of new opportunities. Without urgent and targeted action today to manage the near-term transition and build a workforce with futureproof skills, governments will have to cope with ever-growing unemployment and inequality, and businesses with a shrinking consumer base.